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Mental Health Children's Books on
Social-Emotional Regulation

Discover the latest arrivals in children's literature designed to nurture emotional intelligence and social skills. These new books offer invaluable lessons for young readers, helping them navigate their feelings and interpersonal relationships with greater understanding and empathy.

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Watch for more social-emotional regulation books in The Badges of Power collection



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Available now!

Paperback, Hardback and digital download versions are available for purchase on Amazon now!

The digital download version is in a Kindle format,

but if you have the Kindle app for your iPad, this will work. This will also work on laptops, desktops, and your iPhone.

Watch for more social-emotional regulation books about animals from The Galapagos collection.

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Mindful Seymour Pauses

(Seven-Book Series)

A series on thinking before you don't think.
Collect them all.

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Waiting in Line Seymour can hardly wait to get to school and is in such a hurry to get the red ball he sees on the playground that he’s not even aware of what’s going on with the birds around him. Just in time, his older sister shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause so he can think about how to wait in line so it is fun for all the birds on the playground? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour in an island adventure to find out.

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Watching for Stop Signals Seymour really wants to touch another bird’s beautiful tail feathers and he’s not even aware of what’s going on with the birds around him. Just in time, his older sister shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause and make a friend by stopping when asked? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour in an island adventure to find out.

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Arguing With Others Seymour really wants to get the ball in the Keep-Away game he is playing, so much so that he’s not aware of what’s going on with the birds around him. Just in time, his older sister notices that his friends are upset by the argument and shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause so he can stop arguing about winning and start playing, even if he loses? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour in an island adventure to find out.

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Blaming Others Seymour really wants to be first in line. He is in such a hurry he’s not even aware of what’s going on with the birds around him! Just in time, his older sister shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause so he can grow from his mistakes instead of blaming others? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour on an island adventure to find out.

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Noticing Social Cues Seymour is so busy watching the frigatebirds flying overhead, he’s not even aware of what’s going on with the birds around him. Just in time, his older sister shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause and focus so he stops getting hurt on the dodgeball court and starts having fun with his new friends? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour in an island adventure to find out.

Coming soon

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Joining in Play Seymour really wants to build his idea in the sandbox and he’s not even aware of what’s going on with the birds around him. Just in time, his older sister shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause and think of ways to join or invite others to play, even if they have different ideas for what is fun? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour in an island adventure to find out.

• Mindful Seymour Pauses: Sharing Space with Others Seymour really wants to get the first pick of the stickers the teacher just put out, but as he rushes to get them, he’s not even aware of what’s going on with the birds around him. Just in time, his older sister shares her Future Vision Goggles with him so he can see for himself. Will he learn to pause and watch where he’s going so he doesn’t step on his friends’ work, even though it will take patience and words? Put on your own goggles and join Seymour in an island adventure to find out.

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Tijuana Mañana the Anxious Iguana

What’s going on in Tijuana’s brain to make him dance with excitement and believe in himself, even though he’s scared of sight words?

Tijuana Mañana gets so anxious about practicing sight words that he looks for safety by hiding under his blanket. In this relatable story of feeling anxious when something feels like ’too much’ Tijuana’s mom takes him on a tour of the brain to learn what’s really going on up there! Can she help him learn how to calm his brain so he feels safe practicing his sight words? Can he find ways to make something hard feel fun? Discover what happened in Tijuana’s brain to make him dance with excitement and believe in himself! If you are looking for a book to help any child who is a reluctant learner or an avoider of doing hard things, this book, written by a therapist who knows kids and how to encourage them, will engage and boost their confidence and motivation in a clever, enlightening, and uplifting way.

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Tijuana’s Journal

A companion to the book that guides children to discover how they can dance with excitement and believe in themselves.

Tijuana Mañana and his mom made a journal that helps him calm when it’s time to read sight words. Just like Tijuana Mañana, you can create a plan for calming your brain when you have to do something hard, like going to bed or doing homework or picking up your toys. You and a grown-up in your life can have fun too, being creative with your own journal.

Watch for more social-emotional regulation books in The Prosocial Behaviors collection.

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Lions, and Worries, and Safety, Oh My!

A Social-Emotional Learning Adventure on the Serengeti
On turning worrisome social situations into feelings of safety, with a little help from the strong and mighty herd of elephants who leaves no one behind.

A one-of-a-kind reading experience integrating educational technology into this interactive chapter book.

A Social-emotional Learning Adventure on the Serengeti In this early chapter book, meet a delightful classroom of elephants, led by their wise teacher, as they embark on a classroom game to get all the baby elephants to the safety of the big herd before the lions come out to hunt. To rescue each baby elephant, the reader is immersed in an experience that integrates educational technology into a heartwarming narrative focused on social-emotional learning. Will the elephants work together, communicate, and show compassion for each other so they build a strong and mighty herd to keep the lions away? Come along on this journey of self-discovery, friendship, and EleFUN to find out.

Watch for more social-emotional regulation books in The Emotional Regulation collection.

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No, Kito, No!

(Four-Book Series)

A series on feeling respected, supported, accepted and valued thanks to kind friends who help an adorable giraffe turn No, Kito, No into Yes, Kito, Yes!

• Kito Learns About Handling His Fears
Kito, a giraffe who lives on the Serengeti in Africa, is tired of hearing ‘No, Kito, No!’ from his friends. With a little help from other animals, he learns what he needs to feel better and how to ask for it. That turns everything around, and now, his friends say, ‘Yes, Kito, Yes!’   In this story, Kito really cares about playing games his way and when others don’t want to join him, the troop of baboons passing by hears about it! Will they be able to help him learn to compromise? Will they be able to uncover the real reason it’s so important for Kito to play his way? Will Kito be able to use the tools the baboons teach him?   Put on your safari outfit, use binoculars, and watch out for lions as you travel along the hot dusty path with Kito to the watering hole. That’s where you’ll find out why Kito and his friends are all shouting Yes, Kito, Yes!

• Kito Learns About Winning and Losing
Kito, a giraffe who lives on the Serengeti in Africa, is tired of hearing ‘No, Kito, No!’ from his friends. With a little help from other animals, he learns what he needs to feel better and how to ask for it. That turns everything around, and now, his friends say, ‘Yes, Kito, Yes!’ In this story, Kito really cares about winning. When he doesn’t, the herd of elephants passing by hears about it! Will they be able to help him learn that winning isn’t everything? Will they be able to uncover the real reason it’s so important for Kito to win? Will Kito be able to use the tool they teach him?   Put on your safari outfit, use binoculars, and watch out for lions as you travel along the hot dusty path with Kito to the watering hole. That’s where you’ll find out why Kito and his friends are dancing around and shouting, Yes, Kito, Yes!

• Kito Learns to Be Flexible
Kito, a giraffe who lives on the Serengeti in Africa, is tired of hearing ‘No, Kito, No!’ from his friends. With a little help from other animals, he learns what he needs to feel better and how to ask for it. That turns everything around, and now, his friends say, ‘Yes, Kito, Yes!’   In this story, Kito really cares about things being the same all the time and when there is an unexpected change, the herd of cape buffalos passing by hears about it! Will they be able to help him learn to do hard things? Will they be able to uncover the real reason Kito doesn’t like change? Will Kito be able to use the tools the buffalos teach him?   Put on your safari outfit, use binoculars, and watch out for lions as you travel along the hot dusty path with Kito to the watering hole. That’s where you’ll find out why Kito and his friends are all shouting Yes, Kito, Yes!

• Kito Learns to Let It Go
Kito, a giraffe who lives on the Serengeti in Africa, is tired of hearing ‘No, Kito, No!’ from his friends. With a little help from other animals, he learns what he needs to feel better and how to ask for it. That turns everything around, and now, his friends say, ‘Yes, Kito, Yes!’   In this story, Kito really cares about his personal space and when other giraffes accidentally bump him, the dazzle of zebras passing by hears about it! Will they be able to help him learn that getting bumped sometimes just happens Will they be able to uncover the real reason Kito cares so much about his personal space? Will Kito be able to use the tools the zebras teach him?   Put on your safari outfit, use binoculars, and watch out for lions as you travel along the hot dusty path with Kito to the watering hole. That’s where you’ll find out why Kito and his friends are all shouting Yes, Kito, Yes!

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Expect the Unexpected: Choco Learns About Emotional Regulation

On handling all kinds of emotions when things don't go the starfish's way.

The Chocolate Chip Sea Star, is expecting to have a great time at his friend’s birthday party, but so many unexpected things happened and he was not prepared to handle the Big Feelings he experienced: he got scared by the fast fish, he felt sad when he forgot his gift, he felt overwhelmed when he got hurt, he felt left out when he was late for the snacks, he felt disappointed when he didn’t get to sit next to his friend, and he felt like it was “too much” when the treat bag he got wasn’t his favorite color...Oh my! Will Choco learn to Expect the Unexpected and handle his emotions? Dive in to find out when he accidentally breaks his friend’s gift!

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What Could Be Going On? Inigo Learns About Emotional Regulation

On understanding others' intentions by talking it out and expecting the best from others.

Inigo, the sea lion, is hurt that his friend, Pecas, shows something he was hiding in his flipper to another sea lion, Poppy, but not to him. In fact, he is so upset, he wants to get even with Pecas by hurting him back. His mom plays a game with him to explore the idea that sometimes things aren’t what they seem. Will playing the game help Inigo move on in time for Inigo’s birthday party, even though he still doesn’t know what Pecas had in his flipper? Frolic along with the sea lions to find out the surprise that explains What Could Be Going On!

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Superpower Thinking!
When Things Don’t Go Your Way

On choosing how to think like a superhero to stay calm and solve problems.

Ace loves pretending to be a superhero detective with his stuffed animal friends. But sometimes, Ace gets really upset when things don't go his way, like when he can't have pancakes or when he loses a game. Ace's stuffed animals help him learn how to stay calm and solve problems. • Mrs. Tembo shows Ace how to be kind to himself when he's upset. • Kito suggests making a new plan when things don't go as expected. • Tijuana talks about how thinking of fun things can help him feel better. • Inigo reminds Ace to be curious and understand why things happen. • Choco helps Ace think of other things he likes when things don't go as planned. • Seymour teaches Ace to pause and think about the best way to handle a situation. • Joseph shows Ace how to use his imagination to solve problems. With these cool new ideas, Ace learns to handle disappointments with a smile. By the end, Ace feels like a real superhero with the power to stay calm and solve problems, even when things don't go his way.

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