When challenging moments arise, parents like to see their child manage his or her emotions so that they match what is expected for the situation. Through interactions and experiences, your child is supported in building emotional regulation skills such as:
Communicating with words
Staying in boundaries, (e.g. physically and emotionally)
Sticking to the rules of the game
Asking a grown-up for help or for a break
Role-playing appropriate responses to challenges
Practicing skills so that they become easier
Making a plan for what to do when challenged
Responding appropriately to both big and small problems
Identifying feelings and labeling them
Identifying levels of arousal and maintaining ideal level
Thinking about others’ responses to one’s behavior
Asking permission
Taking deep breaths and other calming strategies
Thinking about one’s behavior
Losing a game gracefully and congratulating the winner
Emotional regulation skills are embedded into the social skills groups and into the individual sessions.
When your child is expected to listen to rules or transition, or when your child is feeling frustrated, stuck, stressed by demands, out of control, etc. my goals are to help your child regulate “in the moment” so he or she can do what is expected and to share tools that you can use so you feel better equipped and more confident in your parenting.
Aargh. I'm frustrated. Wait... HypnoZoids! Ohh.
This will keep them away so I can put my shield down.
And I can use my willpower.
Hmmm. Now I’m in control.
Yay! I did it.